Providing valuable insight from inside a workplace of productivity, a shared passion for roofing and, above all, a focus on the wellbeing of its staff members, LCP Roofing Receptionist, Robyn Cotton, shares her thoughts on the subject of ‘ethics in the workplace’, specifically as it pertains to LCP Roofing.

Simply put, ethics helps us to distinguish the difference between right and wrong. In any work environment, ethics (good or bad) are reflected through a company’s moral principles, standards of behaviour or set of values regarding proper conduct, either as individuals or in a group

At LCP Roofing, we promote relationships between employees and management that are based on honesty and integrity. Workplace ethics are based on a value system, which is a necessary system that every company should have documented in its policies and procedures. LCP Roofing’s value system ensures the wellbeing of its employees, resulting in loyal and hardworking staff that demonstrate a love for what they do.

Our uplifting and productive LCP Roofing work environment ensures that clients can quickly trust in our promise of delivering unparalleled services within South Africa’s roofing industry. Value systems regulate behaviour and underpin perceptions of a company’s inner workings and ethical viewpoints, making employees and customers feel safe and valued.

One of the core values shared on our website draws light to the fact that we will not allow, promote or tolerate unprofessional, dishonest or unethical behaviour from management, staff, clients, suppliers or subcontractors. At LCP Roofing, we implement ethical practices that encourage dedication, commitment, honesty, the opportunity for growth and, most importantly, clear communication.

From a personal viewpoint, Robyn Cotton expresses that professional accountability is a good way to ensure a positive outcome in any situation; by taking responsibility for our own actions in the workplace, finding resolutions and remaining professional are made that much easier. Robyn concludes,“I am proud to say that I work for a company that encourages its employees to live by its policies and procedures, where employees are recognised for their efforts.”

For more information on LCP Roofing’s vision and mission, click here.