Have you ever wondered why reputable companies focus on quality systems?

Well, when it comes to relying on those systems in years to come we come to realise the value thereof.

Apart from the fact that renewable installs such as photovoltaics come with legal requirements with respect to installations, safety of cabling and labelling – it makes sense to prescribe to these rules even though they may not be enforced.

At LCP Solar we take great pride in the little things that are often hidden and unseen;

  • Cableways, cable trays and trunking which protect the cabling and assist with earthing and bonding.
  • Labelling the DC cabling, which under fault conditions can harm people, property and animals.
  • Labeling DC conductor for easy installation, fault tracing and maintenance.

Although an entire electrical system, both on the AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) side, and every aspect thereof must comply with all regulations, we like to place particular focus on the DC side. Bad DC connections or DC connections that are susceptible to physical damage or water ingress will result in dangerous DC arcing.

Think of striking an arc with DC welding. Unlike AC – that arc is sustained for much longer and at greater distances. Now, when that arc just happens to be created in your roof space or around flammable materials, well – let us hope your fire insurance is up to date.

Twisting and soldering wires on PV connections is a big resounding NO.

Equally dangerous is making connections with those pesky old fashioned “chocolate blocks”. Furthermore, we are dismayed when we see installations that are wired with normal GP (general purpose house wire), cabtyre or twin flex. Only double insulated fit for purpose photovoltaic cables and PV connectors should be used.

Don’t have a special MC4 crimping tool, PV insulation tester, experience in PV systems design and simulations or experience? Call the professionals – we are geared for these installations.

And face it, apart from all the important rules – we take pride in our work and want our clients to know and experience that every cent was well spent on their investment.

Look at a short blog posted by our sister company LCP Roofing which demonstrates a practical example where such procedures have helped an old client attend to a serious termite problem. Read it here.